Heating oil prices

We’ve been seeking out the cheapest heating oil prices for over 10 years and taken over 200,000 heating oil quotes in that time. We’re based in Northern Ireland where competition to offer the cheapest prices is fierce.

Cheapest Heating Oil Price in Northern Ireland

At this moment in time, the cheapest quote for heating oil in Northern Ireland we can find is:

500 Litres

Price: £259.88GBP
Pence Per Litre (rounded to 2 nearest places): 51.98p

900 Litres

Price: £454.55GBP
Pence Per Litre (rounded to 2 nearest places): 50.51p

Check out all the .

To try to establish if now if a good time to buy heating oil, our heating oil price trends might help.

Tax on heating oil at the time of writing is only 5% for domestic use.

Whilst this is a great target price, remember that prices will vary considerably by location as distributors can have much higher distribution costs over greater or to less dense locations. Another factor is delivery times. If you want to get your heating oil sooner, it may mean a less discounted price as it prevents the distributor from planning deliveries in advance.

The good news for consumers is that due to EU legislation, companies can no longer charge extra for credit card payments. Distributors however will still incur charges from credit card companies.

Great value prices in Northern Ireland

Due to the high use of heating oil in Northern Ireland, there are a very large number of distributors. Competition is great and the large number of distributors means that Northern Ireland doesn’t see distribution delays often seen in other parts of the UK.

Whilst there have been calls for regulation in Northern Ireland, we find it very hard to see how in Northern Ireland that would make any difference. Our concern is if heating oil users had to incur any cost for regulation, this would only increase the price of heating oil or alternately be a poor use of taxpayers’ money.

Keeping costs down

Order larger quantities

Try to order larger quantities, such as 900 litres instead of 500. Fewer trips by the distributor mean less cost for them and you.

Replace your old boiler

Just because your boiler seems to be working doesn’t mean it is working efficiently. A 15 year old non-condensing boiler might only be working at 60% efficiency whereas a brand new condensing boiler can work at 95% efficiency. Replacing your old boiler could easily save you a third of your heating bill which, whilst unheard of years ago, with higher energy costs this would easily pay for itself in a short time.

Something that advertisements for alternatives to heating oil do is to suggest that you might make great savings with their fuel when really a lot of the savings are in relation to changing the boiler – check the small print.

Our energy report should help with this.